Water, Fountain, Sculpture
Water, Fountain, Sculpture
A half-day seminar exploring how water and fountains have been used by artists and sculptors for a variety of purposes. The afternoon will begin with a discussion of Marcel Duchamp's 'Fountain' (1917) and will also examine more recent examples of water sculpture such as the memorial at Ground Zero.
In collaboration with Dr Godehard Janzing (Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte), Valerie Bussmann (independent), Nicole Wermers (artist), William Pye (artist) and Caroline Locke (artist) .
Godehard Janzing will discuss ‘Falling Waters at Ground Zero: when Terrorism turns into Nature’ and how the use of the symbolism of water becomes problematic in this context. Valerie Bussmann will continue the theme of the city with an examination of the relationship Paris has with water as both necessity and art. Water as a sculptural material will be explored by Nicole Wermers, focusing specifically on her 2011 series ‘Wasserregal’ (‘Watershelves’). Caroline Locke will share the themes of water and vibration that have formed a key part of her practice.
This event is free of charge and open to all, but booking is advised. For more information please contact Corinne Painter at the Henri Moore Institute
Henry Moore Institute
74 The Headrow
Leeds LS1 3AH
United Kingdom
Person in charge
