Timeline of Exhibitions
Drawn up for the most part as a result of our art review examination, the chronology details the exhibitions held in France, FRG, GDR and Poland between 1960 and 1989 that explicitly tackled the themes of the real and reality or artistic creation in one of the three other countries. Without claiming to be exhaustive, it catalogues the exhibitions mentioned by the specialised press.
The chronology can be searched in French, German and English. The list below gives the titles of the exhibitions and the city and place where they were held. Click on an entry to see more information if available.
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Exhibitions (Title, City, Venue)
The project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality. The notion of the real in the fine arts of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989” has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 263560.