"Insertions into Ideological Circuits" - Rebellion of the displaced images 1928/1968

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"Insertions into Ideological Circuits" - Rebellion of the displaced images 1928/1968

This paper revisits the origins of the anthropofagia movement in the 1920s in order to discuss its resurgence and popularity in Brazilian protest culture in the 1960s, and in particular in Cildo Meireles' oeuvre. The focus will be on individual artist, whose work emerged as pivotal moments of a transcultural modernity. With what we might call their pictorial migrations, they offer an important corrective for universalist approaches to a “Global Art History”. From an art history point of view, these works are significant because they highlight the politics of artistic engagement. The protest that they articulate anticipates figures and models of thought that become explicit in later, post-colonial debates and address basic questions of cultural identity.


This conference is a part of the

International Conference  „The Other 68. Anthropophagic Revolutions in Brazilian Counterculture after 1968“

Frankfurt, Museum Angewandte Kunst, 23.–25.05.2018

Organized by the Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies at Goethe Universität Frankfurt and the Cluster of Excellence „Normative Orders”

Fifty years later, the events of May 1968 in Paris continue to be a major reference in political and cultural debates throughout the Western world. When the fiftieth anniversary of the May events will be celebrated in 2018, all eyes will be focused once again on the European metropolis. The international conference “The Other 68: Anthropophagic Revolutions in Brazilian Counterculture after 1968” will readjust this Eurocentric perspective and shift the attention away from the center to the supposed periphery. It will trace the history story of a different revolution, or a set of revolutions: The Tropicália revolution and other anthropophagic revolutions in art, literature and cinema in Brazil in 1968 and the 1970s.

The conference language is English

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Verantwortliche Person am DFK

Dr. Lena Bader

Dr. Lena Bader

Forschungsleiterin / Verantwortlich für deutschsprachige Publikationen (Schriftenreihen Passages und Passerelles)
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