What decolonial artist, curators and philosophers want? Colonial wounds, decolonial healings


What decolonial artist, curators and philosophers want? Colonial wounds, decolonial healings

Conference of Walter Mignolo

There are Western histories of art and aesthetics and on bases of them, histories of arts and aesthetics of non-Western civilizations has been written from Western modern/colonial perspectives. Recently, artists, curators, philosophers and art critics began to respond from the colonial wounds that Western artistic and aesthetic imperiality infringed upon them. In Greek tragedy the goals were to motivate catharsis in the audience. In the modern/colonial world the artistic, curatorial and philosophical responses to colonial wounds are decolonial healings of themselves/ourselves and the participants.

He will discuss three key cases: Fred Wilson, Jeannette Elhers and Pedro Lasch

Verantwortliche Person am DFK

Dr. Déborah Laks

Dr. Deborah Laks

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) (September 2022 - Juli 2023) / Forschungsprojekt: L’enseignement des arts plastiques entre 1933 et 1999 : l’avant-garde en héritage
Nele Putz

Nele Putz, M.A.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / bis 2018