Monica Juneja, Can Art History be Made Global?
Autour d’un livre
Monica Juneja, Can Art History be Made Global?
Autour d’un livre (IV)
The author in conversation with Sabine du Crest (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) and Peter Geimer
The book responds to the challenge of the global turn in the humanities from the perspective of art history. A global art history, it argues, need not follow the logic of economic globalization nor seek to bring the entire world into its fold. Instead, it draws on a theory of transculturation to explore key moments of an art history that can no longer be approached through a facile globalism. How can art historical analysis theorize relationships of connectivity that have characterized cultures and regions across distances? How can it meaningfully handle issues of commensurability or its absence among cultures? By shifting the focus of enquiry to South Asia, the five meditations that make up this book seek to translate intellectual insights of experiences beyond Euro–America into globally intelligible analyses.
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