Jahrestagung: »›Bilderfahrzeuge‹. On the Migration of Images, Forms, and Ideas«


Jahrestagung: »›Bilderfahrzeuge‹. On the Migration of Images, Forms, and Ideas«

Jahrestagung der internationalen Forschungsgruppe »Bilderfahrzeuge: Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology«

Mit: Linda Báez Rubí (London), Carolin Behrmann (Florenz), Andreas Beyer (Basel), Horst Bredekamp (Berlin), Victor Claass (Paris), Maria Teresa Costa (Florenz), Rebecca Darley (London), Philipp Ekardt (London), Uwe Fleckner (Hamburg), Hans Christian Hönes (London), Christopher D. Johnson (London), Jost Philipp Klenner (Marbach), Karen Lang (Warwick), Peter Mack (Warwick), Johannes von Müller (London), Pablo Schneider (Berlin), Elena Tolstichin (Hamburg), Reinhard Wendler (Florenz), Isabella Woldt (London), Gerhard Wolf (Florenz).

This conference examines the question of the migration of images, forms and ideas in the context of the metaphor ›Bilderfahrzeuge‹ (vehicles of/for images), coined by the cultural theorist Aby Warburg (1866–1929). It is the first major opportunity for the international research group ‘Bilderfahrzeuge. Warburg’s Legacy and the Future of Iconology’ to introduce itself to a wider public and to initiate a broader academic dialogue. Papers by invited external speakers will complement those by members of the research group.

Verantwortliche Person am DFK


Prof. Dr. Andreas Beyer

Ehemaliger Direktor des DFK Paris (2009–2014)