Ioanna Angelidou
Ioanna Angelidou, M.A.
Yale University / ZI München (february - june 2022)
PhD project : Architecture in Fragments: Conceptual History as Design Theory, 1949-1989
Ioanna Angelidou is a Research Fellow at the DFK while completing her PhD in the History and Theory of Architecture at Yale University, where she also earned her MPhil with Distinction and served as a Teaching Fellow for three consecutive academic years. She studied Architecture at Columbia University in New York and Aristotle University in Greece, and has worked as an architect and curator in Europe and Japan. Her research has been supported by grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Getty Research Institute, the Society of Architectural Historians, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, and the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. She was the recipient of Yale's John F. Enders Fellowship in the Sciences and Humanities, the Juliane and Franz Roh Fellowship in Modern and Contemporary Art awarded by the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte and the Institute for Art History at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, and a Visual Arts Grant from the Japan Foundation. Her publications include articles in the Getty Research Journal, Arch+, Log, GA Document, and San Rocco as well as chapters in the books Aldo Rossi: Perspectives from the World (Il Poligrafo Seria di Architettura; Politecnico di Milano, 2019), Writing Place: Investigations in Architecture and Literature (010-NAi Publishers; Delft University, 2016), Archiscripts (Birkhäuser; Institut für Architekturtheorie TU Graz, 2015) and Small Tokyo (International Institute for Architecture and Urbanism; Keio University, 2012), among others. Her research has been presented in numerous international conferences and workshops at various academic institutions, such as the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Delft University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, and the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome.
Research focus

Ioanna’s dissertation traces the emergence of fragmentation as a contemporary architectural trope and unpacks a series of projects in which typological fragments and formal play have been deployed in order to gain historical awareness and re-imagine destructed urban terrains during the Cold War. More specifically, it scrutinizes fragmented Berlin as a city-text frantically written and rewritten by examining how its postwar voids and erasures have lent themselves to structures of conceptual repetition and, like a game of cadavre exquis, the construction of architectural imaginaries associated with other cities. The case studies range widely - from Rome to Paris and from the pragmatic to the imaginary - and are intertwined on the basis of selective affinities in the modes of architectural operation they entail, emphasizing the fragmented urban canvas, its primary elements, the way the latter interact, and how this equilibrium may be disrupted. During her research residency at DFK, she employs material from the Bibliothèque Kandinsky at Centre Pompidou, the Centre d’Archives of the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine as well as DFK’s own library in order to dissect the parallel development of two projects that are paradigmatic of the discourse on the “charged urban void,” namely Parc de la Villette in Paris and the IBA initiative in Berlin, thus exploring a shared intellectual and design sensibility in European architectural discourse during the 1980s as a crucial decade that marks the demise of the Cold War era.