Workshops 03.07.2025 to 04.07.2025 Workshop Auflösungs/Erscheinungen. Positionen zum fotografischen Verschwinden Eine Workshop-Reihe konzipiert von Dennis Jelonnek (Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris) und Aïcha Revellat (eikones, Universität Basel)Call for Papers 11.02.2025 to 12.02.2025 Workshop Marxist Art Historiography 26.11.2024 16:00 Workshop How did fiction and speculation turn into productive modes? Historically, conceptions of realism were a function of the differential relation between the factual and the fictional. 28.05.2024 to 02.06.2024 Workshop Rencontres internationales étudiantes du Festival de l’histoire de l’art Deutsche Version unten Versión española en continuación 28.09.2023 to 29.09.2023 Workshop Interner Workshop: Forschungsfeld Surrealismus im deutschsprachigen Raum Gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen organisiert das Deutsche Forum für Kunstgeschichte Paris den Workshop „Forschungsfeld Surrealismus im deutschspra 30.05.2023 14:00 Workshop Ari Benjamin Meyers & Peter Szendy. À bout de souffle / Breathless Dernière séance du séminaire « Comment exposer la polyphonie ? » avec l’artiste Ari B 07.11.2022 14:00 Workshop Lawrence Abu Hamdan & Mladen Dolar. La voix et la loi / The voice and the law The session had to be postponed, from June 1 to November 7, 2022. The new date corresponds to the last day of the exhibition “Polyphon(e). 22.09.2022 14:00 Workshop REPORTÉ – Euridice Kala & Ana Maria Ochoa Gautier. La voix, matière à tisser des liens renouvelés / Voices to interweave reformed links The event had to be postponed to an as yet undetermined date. Please excuse the inconvenience. 25.05.2022 14:00 Workshop Lerato Shadi & Adriana Cavarero. La voix dans sa singularité / The singularity of the voice Septième séance du séminaire « Comment exposer la polyphonie ? » avec l’artiste Lerat 20.05.2022 11:00 Workshop Rencontre avec Ari Benjamin Meyers. La voix comme appel, présence, invocation / The voice as a call, a presence, an invocation Sixième séance du séminaire « Comment exposer la polyphonie ? » avec l’artiste Ari Be 29.11.2021 10:00 Workshop Rencontre avec Ari Benjamin Meyers. La musique n’est pas… 5e séance du séminaire « Comment exposer la polyphonie ? » avec l’artiste 24.11.2021 to 26.11.2021 Workshop Datathon Das Deutsche Historische Institut Paris (DHIP) und das Deutsche Forum für Kunstgeschichte (DFK Paris) in Paris sind zwei Einrichtungen der Max Weber Stiftung – Geisteswissenschaftliche Institute im 25.06.2021 09:00 Workshop Atelier Numérique in Paris am Deutschen Forum für Kunstgeschichte Veranstaltung entfällt 18.06.2021 14:00 Workshop Félicia Atkinson & David Toop. Résonances et polyphonie / Resonance and Polyphony Quatrième séance du séminaire « Comment exposer la polyphonie ? » avec 20.05.2021 14:00 Workshop Natascha Sadr Haghighian & la pensée de Caryl Emerson. Modalités de la polyphonie / Modalities of Polyphony Troisième séance du séminaire « Comment exposer la polyphonie ? » avec l’artiste 17.05.2021 to 22.05.2021 Workshop [Appel à candidatures] Traces et représentations du passé dans les monuments et le patrimoine, XIXe–XXIe siècle (Europe-Amérique latine) Les traces du passé constituent les buttes-témoins (des témoins) d’événements historiques à jamais révolus : elles rendent présent ce qui appartient au passé et l’incarnent de manière non inte 09.04.2021 14:00 Workshop Simha Arom & Vincent Meessen. Saisir la polyphonie / Deciphering Polyphony Deuxième séance du séminaire « Comment exposer la polyphonie ? » avec 19.03.2021 14:00 Workshop Comment exposer la polyphonie ? / Exhibiting Polyphony Première séance du séminaire « Comment exposer la polyphonie ? » avec 12.11.2020 to 13.11.2020 Workshop The Paris World Fairs – (Re-)Productions of Art and Fashion International Workshop organized by the German Center for Art History (DFK Paris) in cooperation with the Technische Universität Darmstadt 13.03.2020 09:15 Workshop CANCELLED – The Paris World Fairs – (Re-) Productions of Art and Fashion International Study Course organized by the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte (DFK Paris) in cooperation with the Technische Universität Darmstadt 13.12.2019 00:00 Workshop Rencontres de la réalité - Réalité des rencontres : Faire sien – ANNULÉ Atelier annulé et reporté à une date ultérieure 11.12.2019 to 12.12.2019 Workshop Lenkung der Dinge - Kunst und Politik in der Frühen Neuzeit Das Kausalitätsmodell der ‚Lenkung der Dinge‘ bezeugt das analoge Denken der Frühen Neuzeit in anschaulicher wie konkreter Form. 15.10.2019 10:00 Workshop « Écouter par les yeux » Réflexions partagées avec René Block et Christina Kubisch autour d’expositions, d’œuvres sonores et de documents d’archive Le commissaire d’exposition, éditeur et galeriste René Blo 07.10.2019 10:00 Workshop Autour du lieu. La rencontre entre Anka Ptaszkowska et Daniel Buren Conférence par Mathilde Arnoux dans le cadre des ateliers de recherche « Lieu de l’art » 13.05.2019 to 31.05.2019 Workshop Arts, Power, and Politics Second Spring Seminar for Young Chinese Scholars 04.04.2019 to 05.04.2019 Workshop Diasporic Imaginaries. Multiple Senses of Belonging Concept Lena Bader, Birgit Mersmann, Mona Schieren The conference language is English. Participation is free of charge. 29.03.2019 14:00 Workshop Rencontres de la réalité - Réalité des rencontres : Retour du passé Quatrième atelier de recherche du séminaire « Rencontres de la réalité – Réalité des rencontres » Invités : 29.03.2019 14:00 Workshop Rencontres de la réalité – Réalité des rencontres For English Version, please scroll down Retour du passé Buts de la séance : 11.03.2019 to 13.03.2019 Workshop France - Allemagne. Galeries, musées et collections des années trente à nos jours Atelier de recherche international 26.02.2019 to 11.06.2019 Workshop L'Histoire de l'art à l'heure du numérique et de la science ouverte L'Histoire de l'art à l'heure du numérique et de la science ouverte Séminaire mensuel du 26 février au 11 juin 2019 25.01.2019 14:00 Workshop Rencontres de la réalité – Réalité des rencontres : Questions d’autonomie Troisième atelier de recherche du séminaire « Rencontres de la réalité – Réalité des rencontres » Invités : Nathalie Karagi 23.11.2018 14:00 Workshop Rencontres de la réalité - Réalité des rencontres : De la description Deuxième atelier de recherche du séminaire « Rencontres de la réalité – Réalité des rencontres » Invités : Baptiste Brun, V 26.10.2018 09:15 Workshop Le « style Empire » Le « style Empire » Questions historiographiques et méthodologiques Sous la direction de Jörg Ebeling, Jean-Phlippe Garric, Guillaume Nicoud et Letizia Tedeschi 28.09.2018 14:00 Workshop Rencontres de la réalité - Réalité des rencontres : Introduction Premier atelier de recherche du séminaire « Rencontres de la réalité – Réalité des rencontres » La 23.01.2018 10:00 Workshop Dada. Hybridation et sources extraoccidentales Dada. Hybridation et sources extraoccidentales 23.11.2017 to 24.11.2017 Workshop Une venue entravée ? / Zugang mit Hindernissen ? L’accessibilité aux monuments et œuvres d’art à Paris et en Île-de-France au tournant du XVIIIe siècle. 08.12.2016 to 09.12.2016 Workshop Académies d'art et mondes sociaux Fonder les institutions artistiques: L'individu, la communauté et leurs réseaux Comité d'organisation: Markus A. Castor, Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art 22.11.2016 09:00 Workshop Une exposition en débat : « Biskra, sortilèges d’une oasis » Cette journée d’études, pensée en regard de l’exposition « Biskra, sortilèges d’une oasis » actuellement présentée à l’IMA, propose de questionner la manière dont le me 14.11.2016 to 15.11.2016 Workshop The Avant-Garde and its Networks Research into Surrealism in the Middle East and North Africa is still in its infancy, despite an increased interest in the subject in the last couple of years, especially in Egyp 10.10.2016 to 11.10.2016 Workshop Surréalisme et arts premiers Les objets sauvages, autrement dit les artefacts de l’art dit « primitif », en provenance d’Océanie, d’Afrique ou d’Amérique du nord, ne prirent pas seulement une place centrale dans l’esthétique s 09.06.2016 to 10.06.2016 Workshop Exotische Bilder / Images exotiques. Exotische Bilder. Fernweh (in) der Kunstgeschichte 26.05.2016 to 28.05.2016 Workshop Histories of Abstraction : Hans Hartung Séminaire Jeunes Chercheurs/Jeunes Chercheuses Histoires de l’abstraction : Hans Hartung Lieu : Fondation Hartung-Bergman, Antibes Dates : 26-28 mai 2016 17.05.2016 10:00 Workshop Klee / Benjamin Studientag des Deutschen Forums für Kunstgeschichte Paris am 17. Mai 2016 17.05.2016 10:00 Workshop Klee / Benjamin Studientag des Deutschen Forums für Kunstgeschichte Paris am 17. Mai 2016 17.05.2016 10:00 Workshop Klee / Benjamin Studientag des Deutschen Forums für Kunstgeschichte Paris am 17. Mai 2016 17.05.2016 10:00 Workshop Klee / Benjamin Studientag des Deutschen Forums für Kunstgeschichte Paris am 17. Mai 2016 11.03.2016 to 12.03.2016 Workshop Le Surréalisme dans l’Europe de l’entre-deux-guerres Le Surréalisme dans l’Europe de l’entre-deux-guerres. Stratégies, réseaux et collections. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 17.12.2015 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (December 2015) Final workshop of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality” with the team members. 14.09.2015 to 22.09.2015 Workshop Herbstkurs 2015 Einführung in die Wissenschaftssprache Französisch und in die Forschungspraxis für KunsthistorikerInnen in Paris 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 02.06.2015 to 03.06.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (June 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 08.04.2015 to 10.04.2015 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2015) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 21.01.2015 to 23.01.2015 Workshop 1977-1979: A crisis in the relations between art and politics? The meeting includes a reading workshop and a communication on Nouveaux Réalisme by Déborah Laks, fellow in the scope of the annual theme 2014/2015 at the German Center for Art History. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 08.10.2014 to 10.10.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (October 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 04.04.2014 10:00 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (April 2014) Meeting with the senior professors of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (March 2014) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 14.11.2013 to 15.11.2013 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (November 2013) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 20.06.2013 10:00 Workshop Intermediality as a Means of Challenging Social and Political Realities: Experiences in West Berlin and Dresden in the 1980s This workshop included lectures by Christoph Tannert, Marie Arleth Skov and Aneta Panek as well as a reading workshop. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 10.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Contemporary and Modern Art Perspectives (C-MAP): Presentation of a Research Project at the Museum of Modern Art A presentation by Magdalena Moskalewicz. 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 09.01.2013 10:00 Workshop Palpable Realities: Op Art and Phenomenology This workshop included lectures by Magdalena Moskalewicz and Matthieu Poirier and a reading Workshop. Lectures 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 27.11.2012 10:00 Workshop Contemporary History in the Art of the FRG and GDR in the Early 1960s This workshop included lectures by Eckhart Gillen and Ulrich Baehr as well as a reading workshop. Conferences 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 20.06.2012 10:00 Workshop Art Spaces and Social Reality This workshop included lectures by Karol Sienkiewicz and Annette Urban as well as a reading workshop. See the publications that resulted from the lectures: 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 12.04.2012 10:00 Workshop Objects of the Real: The Exhibition of Doors in Dresden in 1979 This workshop in French and German included lectures by Angelika Weißbach, Michael Freudenberg and Georg Girardet which were chaired by Jean Mortier, as well as a lecture workshop. 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 02.02.2012 10:00 Workshop The Real as a Subject of Discourse This meeting was included lectures held by Laurence Corbel and Jean-Marc Poinsot as well as a lecture workshop. Lectures 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 15.12.2011 10:00 Workshop Art, the Real and Psychoanalysis This workshop was organised within the scope of a lecture held by Françoise Coblence and a reading workshop. Reading workshop 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 29.09.2011 10:00 Workshop Objects in Artworks This workshop included lectures held by Marta Dziewanska and Antje Kramer as well as a reading workshop. See the relevant publications for online reading: 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 22.06.2011 10:00 Workshop Socialist Realism and the Real This workshop included lectures by Jérôme Bazin and Marielle Silhouette, as well as a reading workshop. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 23.02.2011 to 25.02.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (February 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”. 12.01.2011 to 14.01.2011 Workshop OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality (January 2011) Workshop with the team members of the research project “OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality”.