Julia Drost
Dr. Julia Drost
- 19.10.2023-04.11.2023 Visiting Fellow, Centre International du Surréalisme et de la Citoyenneté Mondiale, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie
- 2021-2022 Exhibition Project »Sam Szafran. Obsessions of a painter«, Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris
- 2019/2020 Research Project »Utopias and Dystopias of Nature. Ecological Thought in Surrealism«, Scholars Program »Art and Ecology«, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
- 2014-2020 Research Project »Le surréalisme et l'argent. Marchands, galeries, et médiateurs, 1924-1959«, in collaboration with Fabrice Flahutez, Université Lyon - Saint Etienne, and Martin Schieder, Universität Leipzig
- 2010-2017 Research and Edition Project »Comte Harry Kessler, Journal. Regards sur l'art et les artistes contemporains«, with Ursel Berger, Alexandre Kostka, Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, Dominique Lobstein, Philippe Thiébault and Sophie Goetzmann
- Since 2013 Research director of the “Young Researchers” department at the German Center for Art History, Paris
- 2011-2013 Exhibition Project Max Ernst Retrospektive, Fondation Beyeler, Basel/Riehen, Musée Albertina, Wien
- 2010-2011 Exhibition Project »Sam Szafran«, Max Ernst Museum, Brühl
- 2007-2009 Exhibition Project »Max Ernst dans le jardin de la France«, Musée des beaux-arts, Tours
- September 2007 - June 2009 Deputy Director of the German Center for Art History,
November 2007 - January 2009 as Interim Director - Since July 2006 Research Fellow at the German Center for Art History, responsible for the Max Ernst research center
- May 1998 - June 2006 Research Assistant of the founding director of the German Center for Art History
- February 2002 Ph.D, Freie Universität Berlin with a thesis on “La Garçonne – Wandlungen einer literarischen Figur” (Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmermann)
- 1998/1999 Studies at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris
- November 1996 - December 1997 Research Assistant of Catherine David, artistic director of the Documenta X, Kassel
- July 1996 Master’s degree, Freie Universität Berlin
- 1993/1994 Institut d’études politiques, Paris
- 1991–1996 Freie Universität Berlin (French and Russian Literature, Art History)
- 1990/1991 Université Blaise Pascale, Clermont-Ferrand (French Literature, Lettres modernes)
- 1988-1990 Ruprecht Karls-Universität Heidelberg (French and Russian Literature, Law)

- 2023 Visiting Fellow, Centre International du Surréalisme et de la Citoyenneté Mondiale, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie
- 2019/2020 Scholars Program “Art and Ecology”, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
- October/November 2013 Getty Research Library Grant, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
- 2003 Publication Grant, Fonte-Stiftung, Siegen
- 1999/2000 Fellow of the program “Frauenförderung” (Women’s promotion) of the Senate of Berlin
- 1998/1999 Doctoral Fellow of the DAAD at École Normale Supérieure, Paris
- 1993/1994 Fellow of the Assemblée nationale at the Institut d'études politiques (IEP), Paris
- 1990/1991 Fellow of the DAAD at Université Clermont-Ferrand, France
Research focus

Julia Drost is a Research Director and head of the “Young Researchers” department at the German Forum for Art History (DFK Paris). She received her doctorate in 2002 from the Free University of Berlin Prof. Dr. Margarete Zimmermann with a dissertation on La Garçonne. Transformations of a literary figure. Since then, her academic work has focused on Franco-German art relations in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially art criticism around 1900 and the writings of Harry Graf Kessler, as well as the Surrealist artist Max Ernst, whose work she has researched in numerous international exhibitions and publications. For some years now, the main focus of her work has been on Surrealism as an international avant-garde and artistic, literary and philosophical movement of the 20th century. From 2014 to 2019, she directed the research project “Surrealism and Money”, in collaboration with Fabrice Flahutez, Université Lyon-Saint-Étienne and Martin Schieder, University of Leipzig. Her current research project focuses on surrealism and ecology (“Utopias and Dystopias of Nature. Ecological Thought in Surrealism”).

- Since 2022 Member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal for the Study of Surrealism
- Since 2017 Member of the editorial board of the Journal for Art Market Studies
- 2012 - 2023 Equal Opportunity Representative of the Max Weber Foundation
DFK projects 

- A Publishing Project: The Diaries of Count Harry Kessler (1868-1937)
- Surrealism and Money: Dealers, Collectors, and Gallerists
- Documentation Max Ernst
- Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia
- Sam Szafran
- Simone Kahn – surrealist, collector, and gallerist
- Utopias and Dystopias of Nature. Surrealism and Ecological Thought
Independent publication 

- “Du bist schrecklich spät dran”. Die Sammlung Elke und Arno Morenz und die Rezeption des Lettrismus in Deutschland/ “You're terribly late”. The Elke and Arno Morenz Collection and the Reception of Lettrism in Germany, Berlin, 2018.
- La Garçonne. Wandlungen einer literarischen Figur, Göttingen 2003.
- Mode unter dem Vichy-Regime, Pfaffenweiler 1996.

- Sam Szafran, Obsessions d'un peintre, ed. Julia Drost, with Sophie Eloy, Paris, Flammarion, first and second edition 2022.
- Arts et politiques. Le marché de l’art entre France et Allemagne de l’Entre-deux-guerres à la Libération, ed. in collaboration with Hélène Ivanoff and Denise Vernerey-Laplace, Paris/Heidelberg 2022 (Passages Online,13) https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/arthistoricum/catalog/book/878
- Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia. Crossings and Encounters, ed. in collaboration with Monique Bellan, Beirut / Baden-Baden Orient-Institut Beirut / Ergon 2021.
- Le surréalisme et l'argent, Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez and Martin Schieder (eds.), Paris, MSH/DFK Paris, 2020 (Passages Online, 4)
- Networking Surrealism. Artists, Agents and the Market, Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez, Anne Helmreich and Martin Schieder (eds.), Paris, MSH/DFK Paris, 2019 (Passages Online, 3) https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/arthistoricum/catalog/book/485
- Le lettrisme et son temps, ed. in collaboration with Fabrice Flahutez and Fréderic Alix, Dijon, 2018 (collection l'écart absolu - chantiers).
- Comte Harry Kessler. Journal. Regards sur l’art et les artistes contemporains (1889–1937), 2 vol., ed. in collaboration with Ursel Berger, Alexandre Kostka, Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, Dominique Lobstein and Philippe Thiébaut, with assistance of Sophie Goetzmann, vol. I: 1889–1907, vol. 2: 1908–1937, Paris, 2017 (Passagen/Passages, 55). https://books.openedition.org/editionsmsh/10902
- Harry Graf Kessler. Porträt eines europäischen Kulturvermittlers, ed. in collaboration with Alexandre Kostka, Berlin/ München, 2015 (Passagen/Passages, 52).
- Le splendide XIXe siècle des surréalistes, ed. in collaboration with Scarlett Reliquet, Dijon, 2014 (Collection Œuvres en société).
- Max Ernst. Retrospektive, ed. in collaboration with Werner Spies, exh. cat., Wien, Albertina, Riehen/Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Ostfildern, 2013.
- Sam Szafran, ed. in collaboration with Werner Spies, exh. cat., Brühl, Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR, Düsseldorf, 2010. (German, english and french editions available.)
- Max Ernst. Le Jardin de la France, ed. in collaboration with Werner Spies and Sophie Join-Lambert, exh. cat., Tours, Musée des beaux-arts de Tours, Mailand, 2009.
- Im Blick des Sammlers. Neuerwerbungen der Sammlung Würth von Kirchner und Schlemmer bis Kiefer, ed. in collaboration with C. Sylvia Weber and Werner Spies, exh. cat., Künzelsau, Museum Würth, Künzelsau, 2009.
- Max Ernst. L'Imagier des poètes, ed. in collaboration with Ursula Moureau-Martini and Nicolas Devigne, Paris, 2008 (Monde germanique: histoires et cultures, edited by Jean-Marie Valentin).
- Deutsche Kunst - Französische Perspektiven, 1870–1945. Quellen und Kommentare zur Kunstkritik, ed. in collaboration with Friederike Kitschen, Berlin, 2007 (Passagen/Passages, 9).

- "All over. Le végétal dans l'oeuvre de Sam Szafran", in Julia Drost, with Sophie Eloy (ed.)., Sam Szafran. Obsessions d'un peintre, Paris, Flammarion, 2022, p. 44-55
- "La vie à un fil", in Julia Drost, with Sophie Eloy (ed.), Sam Szafran. Obsessions d'un peintre, Paris, Flammarion, 2022, p. 166-181.
- with Sophie Eloy, »'Voir autrement'. Sam Szafran (1934-2019)« , in Julia Drost, with Sophie Eloy (éd.), Sam Szafran. Obsessions d'un peintre, Paris, Flammarion, 2022, p. 10-19.
- "Au pays des merveilles de l’histoire naturelle. Max Ernst et Alice”, in : Surréalice, exh.cat., Musées Strasbourg, 2022, p. 62-69.
- "Histoire naturelle surréalistes", in: Christophe Boulanger; Savine Faupin; Jeanne-Bathilde Lacourt (ed.), Chercher l’or du temps : surréalismes, art naturel, art brut, art magique, exh. cat. LaM, musée d’art moderne, d’art contemporain et d’art brut de Lille Métropole à Villeneuve d’Ascq, 2022, p. 90-97.
- with Hélène Ivanoff and Denise Vernerey-Laplace, "Introduction", in: Arts et politiques. Le marché de l'art entre France et Allemagne de l'Entre-deux-guerres à la Libération, Julia Drost, Hélène Ivanoff and Denise Vernerey-Laplace (eds.), Paris/Heidelberg 2022 (Passages online 13), pp. 10-21.
- with Monique Bellan, "Introduction. Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia. Crossings and Encounters", in: Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia. Crossings and Encounters, Julia Drost and Monique Bellan (eds.), Beirut / Baden-Baden Orient-Institut Beirut / Ergon 2021, pp. 15-31.
- "Beyrouth-Paris. Georges Schehadé et le surréalisme", in: Surrealism in North Africa and Western Asia. Crossings and Encounters, Julia Drost and Monique Bellan (eds.), Beirut / Baden-Baden Orient-Institut Beirut / Ergon 2021, pp. 155-175.
- "'Trop dangereux, trop inquiétant, trop incertain'. Le surréalisme à la XVIIe Biennale de Venise en 1954", in: Le surréalisme et l'argent, Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez and Martin Schieder (eds.), Paris, MSH/DFK Paris, 2021 (Passages Online, 4), p. 357-381.
- with Fabrice Flahutez and Martin Schieder, »Introduction: Le surréalisme et l'argent«, in: Le surréalisme et l'argent, Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez and Martin Schieder (eds.), Paris, MSH/DFK Paris, 2021 (Passages Online, 4), pp. 11-44.
- "'Un poète de la terre': Poétique de la nature et pensée écologique dans l'oeuvre de Miró et dans le surréalisme", in: Painting-Poetry/Peinture-Poésie, Rémi Labrusse and Robert Lubar Messeri (eds.), Miró Documents, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, 2020, pp. 99-117.
- "'Press hostile or silent, public recalcitrant, zero sales': Max Ernst at the Valentine Gallery, Spring 1942", in: Networking Surrealism. Agents, Artists and the Market, Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez, Anne Helmreich and Martin Schieder (eds.), Paris, MSH/DFK Paris, 2019 (Passages Online, 3), pp. 173-193, https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/arthistoricum/catalog/book/485
- with Fabrice Flahutez, Anne Helmreich and Martin Schieder, "Avida Dollars! Surrealism and the Art Market in the United States, 1930-1960", in: Networking Surrealism. Agents, Artists and the Market, Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez, Anne Helmreich and Martin Schieder (eds.), Paris, MSH/DFK Paris, 2019 (Passages Online, 3), pp. 13-38, https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/arthistoricum/catalog/book/485
- Arizona Dream. Maxime Rossi meets Max Ernst, Journal of Surrealism in the Americas, Special issue Max Ernst, Vol .10 Nr. 1, 2019, https://repository.asu.edu/items/55854
- “Le surréalisme et le commerce de l'art parisien dans l'entre-deux-guerres”, in: Les artistes et leurs galeries Paris-Berlin, 1900-1950, I: Paris, Denise Vernerey-Laplace and Hélène Ivanof (eds.), Rouen, PUHR, 2019, pp. 287-304.
- “Max Ernst et Caspar David Friedrich: Entre réminiscences et différences”, in: Marc Verdure (ed.), Imagination souveraine du romantisme au surréalisme, exh. cat., Belfort, Musée de Belfort, Milano, 2018, pp. 40-53.
- “Arizona Dream: Maxime Rossi meets Max Ernst”, in Isabelle Bertolotti (ed.), Maxime Rossi, Gent, 2018, pp. 44-53.
- “Une collection lettriste en Allemagne: Elke und Arno Morenzˮ, in: Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez and Frédéric Alix (eds.), Le lettrisme et son temps, Dijon, 2018, pp. 19-34 (collection l'ècart absolu - chantiers).
- Review of Annabelle Görgen and Hubertus Gassner (eds.), Dalí, Ernst, Miró, Magritte, Surreale Begegnungen aus den Sammlungen Roland Penrose, Edward James, Gabrielle Keiller, München, 2016, in Regards croisés 7, 2017, pp. 136-139.
- With Alexandre Kostka, “Introduction. 'En vérité, les beaux-arts ont été sa patrie'. Le Journal d'un cosmopolite”, in Ursel Berger, Julia Drost, Alexandre Kostka, Antoinette Le Normand-Romain, Dominique Lobstein and Philippe Thiébaut (eds.), Comte Harry Kessler. Journal. Regards sur l’art et les artistes contemporains (1889–1937), 2 vol., vol. I: 1889–1907, Paris, 2017, pp. 1-55 (Passagen/Passages, 55).
- “Il sogno della ricchezza: Surrealismo e mercato dell'arte nella Parigi tra le due guerre”, in Ricerche di storia dell'arte 121, 2017, pp. 5-14.
- “From the Paris Bourgeoisie to the Berlin Erotic Entertainment Business. Victor Margueritte’s scandalous novel La garçonne (1922) and Mammen’s Harlot on green Couch (ca. 1928)”, in Förderverein der Jeanne-Mammen-Stiftung e.V. Berlin in collaboration with the Frankreich-Zentrum and the FU Berlin (eds.), Jeanne Mammen. Paris, Bruxelles, Berlin, Berlin/München, 2017, pp. 56-68.
- “Tableaux pour Dorothea”, in: Mirabilia 9, 2016, pp. 114-124.
- “Reform durch die ‚Tapetenthür‘. Harry Graf Kessler und die Gründung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes”, in Julia Drost and Alexandre Kostka (eds.), Harry Graf Kessler. Porträt eines europäischen Kunstvermittlers, Berlin/München, 2015, pp. 205-220 (Passagen/Passages, 52).
- “Nur im Westen gibt es Neues – Max Ernst zwischen Deutschland, Frankreich und Amerika”, in Uwe Fleckner, Maike Steinkamp and Hendrik Ziegler (eds.), Der Künstler in der Fremde. Wanderschaft, Migration, Exil, Berlin, 2015, 241-264 (Mnemosyne. Schriften des Internationalen Warburg-Kollegs).
- “’Caspar David Friedrich, peintre de l’angoisse romantique’ – le surréalisme et l’héritage romantique allemand”, in Julia Drost and Scarlett Reliquet (eds.), Le splendide XIXe siècle des surréalistes, Dijon, 2014, pp. 207–217.
- “Paris-Berlin”, in Lexikon der deutsch-französischen Kulturbeziehungen nach 1945, Tübingen, 2013, pp. 408–409.
- “Weder Jäger noch Sammler. Artefakte bei Max Ernst”, in Werner Spies and Julia Drost (eds.), Max Ernst. Retrospektive, exh. cat., Wien, Albertina, Riehen/ Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Ostfildern, 2013, pp. 242–257.
- “Einführung in die Ausstellung”, in Werner Spies and Julia Drost (eds.), Max Ernst. Retrospektive, exh. cat., Wien, Albertina, Riehen/Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Ostfildern, 2013, pp. 15–17.
- “Rückkehr nach Europa”, in Werner Spies and Julia Drost (eds.), Max Ernst. Retrospektive, exh. cat., Wien, Albertina, Riehen/Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Ostfildern, 2013, pp. 279–280.
- “Maler, Bildhauer, Dichter: die Bücher”, in Werner Spies and Julia Drost (eds.), Max Ernst. Retrospektive, exh. cat., Wien, Albertina, Riehen/Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Ostfildern, 2013, pp. 305–306.
- “Barbara Navi, la part d’ombre”, in Galerie Estace in der Leipziger Spinnerei (ed.), exh. cat., Paris, Galerie Estace, Paris, 2013, no pages.
- “A la découverte de la ‚Neue Sachlichkeit‘. Jean-Richard Bloch à Berlin et son récit L’Europe du milieu (MITROPA) (1928)”, in Wolfgang Asholt (ed.), Cahiers Jean Richard Bloch 18, 2012, pp. 125–145.
- “‘Die Gegenwart der Zukunft‘ – Matta und der Surrealismus in Paris und New York”, in Ortrud Westheider und Michael Philipp (eds.), Matta. Fiktionen, exh. cat., Hamburg, Bucerius Kunstforum Hamburg, München, 2012, pp. 56–69.
- “Max Ernst“, in Claire Garnier and Laurent Le Bon (eds.), 1917, exh. cat., Metz, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, 2012, pp. 149–150.
- “Max Ernst”, in Laurence Bertrand-Dorléac and Jacqueline Munck (eds.), L’Art en guerre, Paris 1938–1947, exh. cat., Paris, Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, Paris, 2012, pp. 339.
- “Die Sammlung Simone Collinet. Simone Bréton als leidenschaftliche Sammlerin des Surrealismus”, in Philippe Büttner (ed.), Surrealismus in Paris, exh. cat., Riehen/Basel, Fondation Beyeler, Ostfildern, 2011, pp. 135–139. (English edition translated by Jean Torrent.)
- Review of Gabriele Wix (ed.), Max Ernst. Maler, Dichter, Schriftsteller, München 2009, in Lendemains. Etudes comparées sur la France / Vergleichende Frankreichforschung 144, December 2011, pp. 141–144.
- “Sam Szafran”, in Julia Drost (ed.), Sam Szafran: l'œuvre imprimé: textes et entretiens, exh. cat., Châtellerault, Centre d'art contemporain-Ateliers de l'Imprimé, Châtellerault, 2011, no pages.
- With Hanna Holtz, “Gedruckte Träume. Max Ernsts Collageroman ‘Une Semaine de Bonté ou les sept éléments capitaux‘”, in Markus A. Castor, Jasper Kettner, Christien Melzer and Claudia Schnitzer (eds.), Druckgraphik – zwischen Reproduktion und Invention, Berlin/München, 2010, pp. 120–143.
- “Das Mirakel der Verfertigung. Pastell und Aquarell im Werk von Sam Szafran”, in Julia Drost and Werner Spies (eds.), Sam Szafran, exh. cat., Brühl, Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR, Düsseldorf, 2010, pp. 22–43. (German, english and french edition available.)
- “Chimère”, “La Femme sans tête”, “Capricorne”, in Laurent Le Bon (ed.), Chefs-d’Oeuvre?, exh. cat., Metz, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, 2010, pp. 108; 216; 317.
- “Europas neue Nomaden – Max Ernst zwischen Welterkundung und Vertreibung”, in Heinz Duchardt (ed.), Jahrbuch für Europäische Geschichte 11/2010, München/Oldenbourg, 2010, pp. 139–159.
- With Markus A. Castor, “Eine Erfindung der Moderne – Die Ausstellungen des Sonderbundes im Rheinland und der Kanon der Kunst”, in Jean-Marie Valentin (ed.), Études germaniques 64/4, 2009, pp. 977–1000.
- “‘Refus total de vivre comme un tachiste‘. Le retour de Max Ernst à Paris et pourquoi il n'y est pas resté”, in Werner Spies, Julia Drost and Sophie Join-Labert (eds.), Max Ernst. Le Jardin de la France exh. cat., Tours, Musée des beaux-arts de Tours, Mailand, 2009, pp. 30–45.
- “Carole Fréchette – eine Dramaturgie des Dazwischen”, in Roswitha Böhm, Stephanie Bung and Andrea Grewe (eds.), Observatoire de l'extrême contemporain. Studien zur französischsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur, Tübingen, 2009, no pages (Edition lendemains).
- “‘Le secret des Fatagaga‘ – Hans Jean Arp et Max Ernst”, in Isabelle Ewig (ed.), Art is Arp. Dessins, collages, reliefs, sculptures, poésie, exh. cat., Strasbourg, Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, Strasbourg, 2008, pp. 191–195. (German and french edition available.)
- “Max Ernst et Jean Arp, Weißt du schwarzt du”, in Julia Drost, Ursula Moureau-Martini and Nicolas Devigne (eds.), Max Ernst. L'imagier des poètes, Paris, 2008, pp. 45-66.
- “‘Accomplir jusqu'au bout ta propre prophétie‘ – visionäre Aspekte des Surrealismus”, in Hans Ottomeyer and Stefanie Heckmann (eds.), Kassandra. Visionen des Unheils, exh. cat., Berlin, Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin, Dresden, 2008, pp. 101–111.
- “Early Collages”; “Books and Collage Novels”, in Werner Spies, Iris Müller-Westermann and Kirsten Degel in collaboration with Julia Drost and Tanja Wessolowski (eds.), Max Ernst, Dream and Revolution, exh. cat., Stockholm, Moderna Museet, Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Ostfildern, 2008, pp. 51–52; 214–218. (English and german edition available.)
- “Max Ernst in der Schweiz”, in Werner Spies and Annja Müller-Alsbach (eds.), Max Ernst. Im Garten der Nymphe Ankolie, exh. cat., Basel, Museum Tinguely Basel, Ostfildern, 2007, pp. 185–216.
- “Mysteriöses Ei”, “Êtes-vous Niniche?”, in Werner Spies and Annja Müller-Alsbach (eds.), Max Ernst. Im Garten der Nymphe Ankolie, exh. cat., Basel, Museum Tinguely Basel, Ostfildern, 2007, pp. 156-174.
- “‘Biographische Notizen‘ – Max Ernsts Spiel mit einer literarischen Gattung”, in Werner Spies (ed.), Max Ernst. Leben und Werk, Köln, 2005, pp. 17–31. (German and english edition, 2005; french edition, ed. by Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2007.)
- “Surrealismus”, “Max Ernst”, “André Masson”, “René Magritte”, “Salvador Dalí”, “André Breton” and “Paul Éluard”, in Werner Spies and C. Sylvia Weber in assistance of Julia Drost and Kirsten Fiege (eds.), Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Hundert Neuerwerbungen der Sammlung Würth, exh. cat., Künzelsau, Museum Würth, Künzelsau, 2007, pp. 61–129. (German, english and french edition available.)
- “Salon”, “Salon des Refusés” and “Salon des Indépendants”, in Angela Schneider, Anke Daemgen and Gary Tinterow (eds.), Die schönsten Franzosen kommen aus New York. Französische Meisterwerke des 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem Metropolitan Museum of Art, exh. cat., Berlin, Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, Berlin, 2007, pp. 281–282.
- “Fundstück: Kees van Dongens ‘Garçonne‘: Illustration oder Interpretation von Victor Marguerittes Skandalroman?”, in Stephanie Bung and Margarete Zimmermann (eds.), Garçonnes à la mode im Berlin und Paris der zwanziger Jahre, Göttingen, 2006, pp. 183–200.
- “Von der Notwendigkeit staatlicher Förderung wissenschaftlichen Austauschs: das Deutsche Forum für Kunstgeschichte in Paris”, in Lendemains 30, 2005, pp. 133–140.
- “Un haut lieu de la mode parisienne”, in Alexandre Gady, Isabelle Dubois and Hendrik Ziegler (eds.), La Place des Victoires. Histoire, architecture, société, Paris, 2003, pp. 183–193.
- “L’essor du commerce de tissus et de la confection”, in Alexandre Gady, Isabelle Dubois and Hendrik Ziegler (eds.), La Place des Victoires. Histoire, architecture, société, Paris, 2003, pp. 141–153.
- “Se rejoindre à travers l'histoire de l'art. Le Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art à Paris”, in Revue Allemagne d'aujourd'hui 167, January-March, 2004, pp. 152–159.
- “Langweilige Puppen”, in Uwe Fleckner und Dirk Luckow (eds.), Neue Sachlichkeit – das wahre Gesicht unserer Zeit. Bilder vom Menschen in der Zeichnung der Neuen Sachlichkeit, exh. cat., Kiel, Kunsthalle Kiel, Kiel, 2004, no pages.
- With Sabine Beneke, “Ein gezähmter Fauve. Van Dongens Bildnis des Freiherrn August von der Heydt”, in Uwe Fleckner, Martin Schieder and Michael Zimmermann (eds.), Dialog der Avantgarden, vol. 3, Jenseits der Grenzen. Französische und deutsche Kunst vom Ancien Régime bis zur Gegenwart, Köln, 2000, pp. 56–70.
- “‘La vraie féminité‘ – Mode unter dem Vichy-Regime”, in Joachim Born and Marion Steinbach (eds.), Geistige Brandstifter und Kollaborateure. Schriftkultur und Faschismus in der Romania, Dresden, 1998, pp. 65–80.

As a curator:
- “Sam Szafran. Obsessions of a painter”, Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris, 28 September 2022 to 16 January 2023.
- “Max Ernst – Retrospective”, Albertina, Vienna, 23 January to 5 May 2013; Fondation Beyeler, 15 May to 9 August 2013.
- “Sam Szafran”, Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR, Brühl, 6 October 2010 to 31 January 2011.
- “Max Ernst. Le Jardin de la France”, Musée des beaux-arts Tours, Tours, 16 October 2009 to 18 January 2010.
As a curatorial assistant:
- “Max Ernst. Les collages originaux”, Musée d’Orsay, Paris, 30 June to 15 September 2009.
- “Max Ernst Retrospektive”, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 20 September 2008 to 11 January 2009; Louisiana Museum, Humlebaek, 6 February to 1 June 2009.
Organized conferences 

Surréalismes Paris 2024, Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Surrealism (ISSS), organized by Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez, Olivier Penot-Lacassagne and Iveta Slavkova, American University of Paris, 28 - 30 October2024
Abstracts of the contributions
- De la galerie au musée. Histoires de collections de marchands d’art, organized by Claire Bernardi, musée de l'Orangerie, Julia Drost, DFK Paris, Peter Geimer, DFK Paris, Scarlett Reliquet, musée d'Orsay, October 8, 2024 , musée de l'Orangerie und DFK Paris
- Le surréalisme et le Mexique, Round Table with Julia Drost, DFK Paris, Georges Roque, Directeur de recherche honoraire, CNRS, Karla Segura Pantoja, AWARE, Susan Power, independent researcher, moderation: Elodie Vaudry, DFK Paris, Festival d'histoire de l'art, Fontainebleau, June 1st, 2024
- Franz Marc und August Macke. Deux artistes allemands face à l'histoire, organized by Julia Drost, DFK Paris, Sarah Imatte, Musée de l'Orangerie et Scarlett Reliquet, Musée d'Orsay, 2 April 2019, Musée de l'Orangerie and DFK Paris
- Colloque international de jeunes chercheurs France - Allemagne, organized by Julia Drost and France Nerlich, INHA, funded by the Université franco-allemande, January 9-11, 2019, DFK Paris and INHA
- “Dada Hybridation”, international workshop organized by Cécile Debray, Julia Drost and Scarlett Reliquet, in cooperation with the Musée de l'Orangerie as part of the exhibition “Dada Africa”, 23 January 2018, Musée de l'Orangerie and German Center for Art History, Paris
- “Networks, Museums and Collections, Surrealism in the United States”, international conference organized by Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez, Anne Helmreich, Susan Power and Martin Schieder, 27 to 29 November 2017, German Center for Art History, Paris, funded by the Terra Foundation for American Art
- “Acheter le merveilleux. Galeries, collectionneurs et marchands du surréalisme, 1945-1969”, international workshop organized by Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez and Martin Schieder, 28 to 29 September 2017, German Center for Art History, Paris, funded by labex Arts H2H and Tiamsa (The International Art Market Studies Association)
- “Surréalisme et arts premiers”, international workshop organized by Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez and Martin Schieder, 10 to 11 Oktober 2016, German Center for Art History, Paris
- “Patrimoines spoliés. Regards croisés France – Allemagne”, international conference organized by the German Center for Art History and the Institut National du Patrimoine (INP), 1 to 3 June 2016, German Centre for Art History, Paris and Auditorium of INP/INHA
- “Le Surréalisme dans l'Europe de l'entre-deux-guerres. Stratégies, réseaux et collections”, international workshop organized by Julia Drost and Martin Schieder, 11 to 12 March 2016, German Center for Art History, Paris
- “Le lettrisme et son temps, essai de contextualisation, colloque international en l'honneur d'Elke Morenz”, organized by Frédéric Alix, Julia Drost and Fabrice Flahutez, 26 to 27 March 2015, German Center for Art History, Paris
- “Le monde au temps des surréalistes. Centres, périphéries et itinéraires du commerce de l'art surréaliste”, research workshop in cooperation with the Institute of art history, Universität Leipzig, 7 to 8 November 2014, German Center for Art History, Paris
- “Künstlergespräch: Barbara Klemm - Fotojournalismus als Kunstform”, artist talk with Barbara Klemm (Frankfurt), Barbara Catoir (Cologne), Peter Geimer (FU Berlin), Joachim Umlauf (Goethe Institut Paris); conception and moderation Julia Drost, 5 November 2014, German Center for Art History, Paris
- “Reform durch die Tapetenthür. Harry Graf Kessler und die Gründung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes – Interessen und Anspruch”, presentation at the Trilaterales Forschungskolloquium “Grenzlose Moderne: Gemeinschaft der Staaten – Symbiose der Kulturen – Begegnung der Künste im Tagebuchwerk von Harry Graf Kessler - Harry Graf Kessler und die darstellenden Künste”, third conference in cooperation with Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Villa Vigoni, Université de Strasbourg and German Center for Art History, Paris, 22 to 25 July 2013, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio
- Evening event for Peter Schamoni, as part of the movie-release “Max Ernst. Mes vagabondages, mes inquiétudes” in the series of Phares von Aube and Oona Breton-Elléouëtt, 9 November 2011, Goethe Institut Paris
- “Le Splendide XIXe siècle des surréalistes : héritages et détournements”, international colloquium organized by Scarlett Reliquet (Musée d’Orsay) and Julia Drost (German Center for Art History, Paris), 25 to 26 June 2009, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
- “La poïétique du corps dans l’art”, round table at the German Center for Art History, Paris, Rendez-vous de l’histoire, Blois, 9 October 2009, German Center for Art History, Paris
- “Emil Nolde – vom Nationalismus zur Entarteten Kunst”, panel discussion organized by Sylvain Amic (Musée Fabre, Montpellier) and Julia Drost (German Center for Art History, Paris), 18 March 2009, Musée Fabre, Montpellier
- “Max Ernst”, presentation cycle at the Museo Picasso in Malaga as part of the exhibition “Beyond painting. Max Ernst in the Würth-Collection” (five presentations by Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez, Jürgen Pech, Werner Spies and Tanja Wessolowski), 23 October to 20 November 2008), Museo Picasso, Malaga
- „Le comte Harry Kessler: Portraits d’un bon Européen”, panel discussion as part of Rendez-vous de l’Histoire (Blois), with Bernard Banoun (Université de Tours), Julia Drost (German Center for Art History), Alexandre Kostka (Université de Cergy-Pontoise), Priska Schmückle von Minckwitz (Hamburg), organized by Alexandre Kostka and Julia Drost, 13 October 2008, Blois
- “Le comte Harry Kessler: Penser l’Europe à travers les arts”, international colloquium organized by Alexandre Kostka (Université Cergy Pontoise) and Julia Drost (German Center for Art History), 8 to 10 April 2008, Musée d’Orsay, Paris
- “Soirée Max Ernst”, round table with Jean-Marie Valentin, Fabrice Flahutez, Pierre Chave, Peter Schamoni, Ursula Moureau-Martini and Julia Drost, 29 March 2008, Maison Heinrich Heine, Paris
- “Max Ernst, au seuil du hasard”, international colloquium organized by Ursula Moureau (Université de Valenciennes) and Julia Drost (German Center for Art History), 5 to 7 April 2006, Université de Valenciennes

- »L'Homme, l'animal, la mort. L'abattoir«, Panel: Zootopies, »Surréalismes Paris 2024«, organized by Julia Drost, Fabrice Flahutez, Olivier Penot-Lacassagne and Iveta Slavkova, American University of Paris, October 30, 2024
- »‘Le temps a montré que j’avais raison’. Trajectoires et tourmentes de la collection Peggy Guggenheim«, with Véronique Chagnon-Burke, Women Art Dealers Digital Archive (WADDA), »De la galerie au musée. Histoires de collections de marchands d’art«, workshop organized by Claire Bernardi, musée de l'Orangerie, Julia Drost, DFK Paris, Peter Geimer, DFK Paris, Scarlett Reliquet, musée d'Orsay, 8. Oktober 2024 , musée de l'Orangerie und DFK Paris
- Science, poésie, mythe. L’histoire naturelle subversive de Benjamin Péret illustrée par Toyen, Centre International du Surréalisme et de la Citoyenneté Mondiale, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, October 31, 2023
- Emission Répliques d'Alain Finkielkraut: Sam Szafran (1934-2019), un peintre vertigineux, France Culture, 10 December 2022, rencontre autour du peintre Sam Szafran (1934-2019), avec Jean Clair, écrivain et historien d'art et Julia Drost, historienne de l'art
- “Simone Kahn – femme surréaliste, collectionneuse et galeriste“, roundtable with Jules Colmart, Alice Ensabella, Christine Haller and Katia Sowels, Virtual Conference ISSS Surrealisms 2022, Tous les éléments: Todos los elementos: A Periodic Table, November 17, 2022
- with Sophie Eloy, »Sam Szafran. Obessions d'un peintre«, conférence inaugurale, musée de l'Orangerie, 26 October 2022
- Introduction to the film Max Ernst. Mes vagabondages, mes inquiétudes by Peter Schamoni as part of the exhibition "Alberto Giacometti - André Breton. Amitiés surréalistes", Institut Giacometti, Paris, 8 March 2022
- Earth as a Desert. Surrealism and Ecology (revisited), round table with Anne Marie Butler, Christina Heflin, Samantha Kavky, Donna Roberts and Iveta Slavkova Virtual Conference ISSS Surrealisms 2021, Nuits blanches, November 12, 2021
- “'Rien qui fût à sa place!'. Benjamin Péret’s Natural History (1945-1958)“, CAA Annual Conference 2021 (10-13 February 2021), Session: “Earth as a Desert: The Ecology of Surrealism in the Face of the Climate Crisis”, Chairs: Iveta Slavkova, The American University of Paris; Anne Marie Butler, Kalamazoo College, February 12, 2021
- “'A Feeling for Nature'. Surrealism and Ecological Thought“, Scholars Program, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, 26 May 2020
- Presentation of the Project “Utopias and Dystopias of Nature“ with selected sources, Art and Ecology, Consortium Seminar Winter 2020, organized by James Nisbet, Getty Research Institute, February 7, 2020
- “Thinking about Writing/Writing about Thinking: Languages and Cultures of Knowledge“, Round table discussion, moderated by Jeannette Kohl, University of California Riverside, January 29, 2020
- “Utopias and Dystopias of Nature: Ecological Thought in Surrealism”, Dada & Surrealism Group, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, May 6, 2019
- “'Un poète de la terre', Miró, nature et pensée écologique dans le surréalisme”, Joan Miró. Painting - Poetry, international conference, New York University Paris, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Université Paris - Nanterre, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 9 to 10 November 2018
- “Max Ernst at the Valentine Gallery, Spring 1942”, at the international conference “From France to the World”, Princeton University, 27 to 28 April 2018
- "Introduction", international conference "Networks, Museums and Collections. Surrealism in the United States", in cooperation with the Universität Leipzig, the Université Paris Nanterre and the College of Fine Arts, Texas Christian University, German Center for Art History, Paris, 27 to 29 November 2017.
- "Le surréalisme à la Biennale de Venise 1954", international Workshop "Acheter le merveilleux. Galeries, collectionneurs et marchands du surréalisme, 1945-1969", in cooperation with the Université Paris Nanterre and the Universität Leipzig, German Center for Art History, Paris, 28 to 29 September 2017
- “Miró, Max Ernst und Salvador Dalí, Surrealismus und Kunsthandel im Paris der 20er und 30er Jahre”, Forum Kunst und Markt, TU Berlin, 23 January 2017
- “Eine Avantgarde vermarktet sich selbst. Surrealismus im Paris der Zwischenkriegszeit”, 24 November 2016, Kunsthalle Hamburg
- “1940, Max Ernst et Leonora Carrington, une passion en temps de guerre”, as a guest at the show “Autant emporte l’histoire” of Stéphanie Duncan, France Inter, 11 September 2016, https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/autant-en-emporte-l-histoire/autant-en-emporte-l-histoire-11-septembre-2016
- “Max Ernst, Künstler (Geburtstag 02.04.1891)”, radio report at the show WDR Zeitzeichen, 2 April 2016, WDR 3 and WDR 5.
- “Der Traum vom Geld, Surrealismus und Kunsthandel im Paris der Zwischenkriegszeit”, lecture series “Forschungsfeld Kunstmarkt”, Universität Köln, 10 December 2015
- “Les réseaux et les stratégies de vente et d'expositions des surréalistes”, at the study day “Le système de l'art dans la France de l'entre-deux-guerres: marchands, galeristes, collectionneurs”, organized by Maria Grazia Messina (Université de Florence) and Alessandro Nigro (Université de Florence), Institut français de Florence, 8 May 2015
- “Une collection lettriste en Allemagne”, at the colloquium “Le lettrisme et son temps, essai de contextualisation, colloque international en l'honneur d'Elke Morenz”, organized by Frédéric Alix, Julia Drost and Fabrice Flahutez, German Center for Art History, Paris, 26 to 27 March 2015
- “Von der Pariser Bohème ins Berliner Vergnügungsgewerbe. Victor Marguerittes Skandalroman La Garçonne und Jeanne Mammens Dirne auf grüner Couch”, as part of the syposium “Paris – Brüssel – Berlin: Französische Elemente in Jeanne Mammens Kunst”, Kulturforum, Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, 10 to 11 October 2014
- “If his painting makes an impression on you we can make an exhibition: Max Ernst et la galerie Van Leer-Mouradian”, at the conference “Les artistes et leurs galeries, 1900–1939”, CIERA, Paris, 21 May 2014
- “Reform durch die Tapetenthür. Harry Graf Kessler und die Gründung des Deutschen Künstlerbundes – Interessen und Anspruch”, Trilaterales Forschungskolloquium “Grenzlose Moderne: Gemeinschaft der Staaten – Symbiose der Kulturen – Begegnung der Künste im Tagebuchwerk von Harry Graf Kessler – Harry Graf Kessler und die darstellenden Künste”, third conference in cooperation with the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Villa Vigoni, University Straßburg and German Center for Art History,Villa Vigoni, Menaggio, 22 to 25 July 2013
- “Neue Sachlichkeit”, presentation for the pupils within the framework of the national holiday, Deutsch-Französisches Gymnasium, Buc, 3 October 2013
- “Europas ›Neue Nomaden‹ – Max Ernst zwischen Exil und Welterkundung”, as part of the retrospective of Max Ernst, 6 February 2013, Albertina, Wien.
- “Imaginäre Unendlichkeit – Matta und der Pariser Surrealismus”, as part of the exhibition “Matta. Fiktionen”, Hamburg, Bucerius Kunstforum, 12 November 2012
- “L’Horreur de la toile blanche”, as part of the event “White Spirit: parcours nocturne autour du blanc, une proposition par le Centre allemand d’histoire de l‘art”, Nuit blanche 2012, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 6 October 2012
- “Harry Graf Kessler und die zeitgenössische deutsche Kunst”, as part of the colloquium “Grenzlose Moderne: Gemeinschaft der Staaten – Symbiose der Kulturen – Begegnung der Künste im Tagebuchwerk von Harry Graf Kessler – Harry Graf Kessler und die Bildenden Künste”, second conference, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio, 25 to 28 July 2012
- “Peter Schamoni, le cinéaste des artistes”, about the movie “Max Ernst. Mein Vagabundieren, meine Unruhe” (1991) as part of the second Festival d’histoire de l’art, Fontainebleau, 1 June 2012
- “In Memoriam Peter Schamoni”, introduction of the movie “Max Ernst Mein Vagabundieren, meine Unruhe” by Peter Schamoni, Filminstitut, Frankfurt´, 29 March 2012
- “Jusqu’au bout de ta propre prophétie – aspects visionnaires du surréalisme”, Société des amis des Musées de Bordeaux, Musée de Bordeaux, 16 March 2012
- “A la découverte de la Neue Sachlichkeit. Les conceptions de l’art français et allemand dans Mitropa de Jean-Richard Bloch”, as part of the study day “Jean-Richard Bloch et les Arts plastiques”, Columbia University, Reid Hall, 9 December 2011
- “Befreiung aus dem trügerischen Paradies der fixen Erinnerungen – Max Ernst als Schriftsteller”, as part of the colloquium of literature by Prof. Dr. Friedmar Apel and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Braungart, University of Bielefeld, 17 November 2011
- “Sam Szafran. 3e prix Piero Crommelynck”, laudation and scientific presentation as part of the award ceremony, École des arts plastiques, Châtellerault, 17 June 2011
- “Sam Szafran und das Pastell im 20. Jahrhundert”, as part of the exhibition “Sam Szafran. Zeichnungen, Pastelle, Aquarelle”, Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR, Brühl, 14 January 2011
- “Le Kronprinzenpalais de Berlin, source d’inspiration pour les expositions après 1918”, as part of the conference “Muséographie du musée d’art (1919–1939)”, Straßburg, 30 January 2010
- “Max Ernst und Caspar David Friedrich”, a spart of the finissage “Max Ernst. Albtraum und Befreiung”, Kunsthalle Würth, Schwäbisch-Hall, 2 May 2010
- “Racines et exils d’un révolutionnaire atypique – Max Ernst à Paris, New York et Huismes”, public presentation, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, Tours, 20 November 2009
- “Max Ernst et Caspar David Friedrich”, international colloquium “Le ‘Splendide XIXe siècle’ des surréalistes: héritages et détournements”, in cooperation with the German Center for Art History, Paris, Musée d’Orsay, Paris, 25 June 2009
- With Markus A. Castor “Eine Erfindung der Moderne. Die Ausstellungen des Sonderbundes im Rheinland und der Kanon der Kunst” a spart of the Séminaire de DEA and the doctorat of Jean-Marie Valentin, Université de Paris – Sorbonne-Paris IV, 31 March 2009
- “Surrealistische Schreckenskammer. Die visionäre Kraft der Künstler und ihre Analyse des Zeitgeschehens”, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität Leipzig, 4 December 2008
- “Feeling both at Home and a Stranger everywhere – Max Ernst between Germany, France and America”, as part of the presentation cycle about Max Ernst, 20 November 2008, Museo Picasso, Malaga.
- “Nur im Westen gibt es Neues‹. Max Ernst zwischen Frankreich und Amerika”, at Internationales Warburg Kolleg “Der Künstler in der Fremde: Migration, Wanderschaft, Exil”, Warburg-Haus, Hamburg, 18 July 2008
- “Lovis Corinth, le comte Harry Kessler et la création de l’union des artistes allemands”, international colloquium “Le comte Harry Kessler: Penser l’Europe à travers les arts”, organized by Alexandre Kostka (Université Cergy Pontoise) and Julia Drost (German Center for Art History), Musée d’Orsay, Paris, 9 April 2008
Teaching activities 

- Rencontres internationales étudiantes –2024, organized by Julia Drost, DFK Paris, Fabien Lacouture, INHA, Veerle Thielemans, INHA, Elodie Vaudry, DFK Paris, in cooperation with Université Nationale Autonome du Mexique (UNAM) and Maison Universitaire Franco Mexicaine (MUFRAMEX) on the occasion of the 13 edition of Festival de l’histoire de l’art, Fontainebleau, May 28-30, 2024
- »France - Allemagne. Galeries, musées et collections des années trente à nos jours«, internationaler Studienkurs in Kooperation mit Elisabeth Furtwängler, TU Berlin, Hélène Ivanoff, Centre Georg Simmel, Denise Vernerey-Laplace, Centre Georg Simmel, Dorothee Wimmer, TU Berlin/Forum für Kunst und Markt, mit Unterstützung der Deutsch-französischen Hochschule, 11.-13. März 2019.
- “Questions de techniques en histoire de l’art”, International workshop for junior researchers, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. François-René Martin, Ecole du Louvre Paris, DFK Paris, 19 to 23 March 2018
- “Paris – urban, institutional, and artistic center of photography”, International workshop for junior researchers in the History and Theory of Photography, in collaboration with Ulrike Blumenthal and Astrid Köhler, DFK Paris, Dr. Christian Joschke, Université Paris Nanterre, and Helen Westgeest, Universiteit Leiden, with the support of the French-German University, Saarbrucken, DFK Paris, 03 to 07July 2017
- “Le surréalisme à Paris”, seminar,in cooperation with the Romanisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, German Center for Art History, Paris, 21 June 2017
- “Surrealism and Art Trade”, seminar, in cooperation with the Christie's Education, New York, German Center for Art History, Paris, 13 June 2017
- “Curatorial Studies: Regards croisés”, International workshop for junior researchers, in collaboration with Dr. Stefanie Heraeus, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M., with the support of the French-German University, Saarbrucken, DFK Paris, 27 to 31 March 2017
- “L'avant-garde russe et d'Europe de l'ouest à Moscou et Saint-Pétersbourg aux alentours de 1900”, International workshop for junior researchers, in collaboration with the Deutsches Historisches Institut (DHI) Moscow and the European University Sankt-Petersburg, 23 to 27 May 2016
- “Kunsthandel des Surrealismus”, Graduate seminar, in collaboration with Dr. habil. Fabrice Flahutez, Université Paris Ouest, February–May 2016
- “Französische Museumspolitik im 21. Jahrhundert: Paris, Lens und Marseille”, International workshop for junior researchers, in collaboration with Dr. Andrea Meyer, TU Berlin, and Dr. des. Robert Skwirblies, TU Berlin, with the support of the French-German University, Saarbrucken, DFK Paris, 13 to 17 April 2015
- “Introduction à l’histoire de l’art et à la pratique de la recherche dans le sud de l’Allemagne (Munich, Nuremberg, Marbach)”, International workshop for junior researchers, study trip in collaboration with the Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), 30 June to 04 July 2014
- International workshop for junior researchers “Images d’artistes et l’atelier aujourd’hui – lieu de production et/ou espace mythique?”, International workshop for junior researchers, study trip to Berlin in collaboration with Dr. Ursula Ströbele, Universität der Künste Berlin, and Steffen Haug, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 07 to 11 November 2013
- “Max Ernst und die Avantgarden”, advanced seminar with an excursion to the exhibition in Basel, in cooperation with Dr. Tobias Kämpf, Freie Universität Berlin, block seminar: 20 April, 2 May, 29 May, 12 June, 25 to 26 June 2013 (excursion to the Fondation Beyeler).
- “Musées et collections en Allemagne: Hambourg et Brême”, International workshop for junior researchers, study trip with the support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, 14 to 19 May 2012
- “Musées et églises de Rhénanie”, International workshop for junior researchers, study trip in collaboration with Dr. Markus Castor, DFK Paris, 10 to 13 December 2009
- “Paris und die Avantgarden, 1900–1968”, Graduate seminar, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Martin Schieder, Universität Leipzig, Winter/Spring 2008/09, Universität Leipzig (including a study trip to Paris, 28 February to 10 March 2009)
- Lectureship at the Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Département des études germaniques, 2000/2001