Christine Haller
Christine Haller, M.A.
Research Assistant
- Since September 2021: Research Assistant at the German Center for Art History Paris in the department of Electronic Publications
- March–July 2021: Intern at the German Center for Art History Paris in the departments of Electronic Publications and Young Researchers Programs
- April 2020–February 2021: Student assistant at the Institute for European Art History at Heidelberg University; Tutor of the course Digital Resources of Art History
- September 2018 – August 2021: International Master of Art History and Museology (IMKM) at the École du Louvre, Paris and Heidelberg University; M.A. theses: Une collection intime – André Pieyre de Mandiargues et ses objets d’art à travers l’œil de Marc Vaux (École du Louvre, 2019); Künstlerinnen des Surrealismus. Zur Rekonstruktion eines globalen Netzwerkes anhand von Internationalen Surrealismus-Ausstellungen (1935–1965) (Heidelberg University, 2021)
- July–August 2018: Intern at the Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg, Berlin State Museums
- December 2016–June 2018: Intern and gallery assistant at the Galerie Kunsttempel, Kassel
- October 2014–June 2018: B.A. studies in Art History, Romance Studies, German Studies, Sociology, and Philosophy at the University of Bamberg and the University of Kassel; Semester abroad at the Université Sorbonne, Paris; B.A. thesis: Claude Cahun und der Surrealismus – Eine ikonografische Untersuchung

- January 2021: PROMOS Scholarship, DAAD
- 2018/2019: Scholar of the French-German University
Research focus

- Contemporary Surrealism
- Networks of Women Artists in Surrealism
- Avant-garde in a Transcultural Perspective
- Digital Art History

- International Society for the Study of Surrealism (ISSS)
DFK projects 


- "De l’exil à l’utopie : Toyen entre Prague, Paris et Saint-Cirq-Lapopie", round table discussion entitled "Le signifiant de l’exil dans le surréalisme d’après-guerre" together with Laurent Doucet, Clément Gaësler and Maria Rosa Lehmann at the conference "ISSS Surrealisms 2021", organised by the International Society for the Study of Surrealism (Online-Conference), 11 November 2021.
- "Toyen et les surréalistes à Saint-Cirq-Lapopie : exil et collectivité" together with Maria Rosa Lehmann at the conference "Artistes en exil politique en France (1945–1989)", organised by Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre de recherche HiCSA (Paris), 10 April 2021.