The Art of Objects

The Art of Objects

The art of three-dimensional, mobile objects is experienced sensorily and cognitively in use. Its study relates to lived situations and object stories, and touches on issues from the history of technology and historical praxeology, from expertise and theory, from cultural studies and sociology, or from museology. These approaches enable art history to study all kinds of artifacts, with new perspectives beyond traditional categories. The focus of the research area The Art of Objects thus centers on the interdisciplinary relevance of art history, on the imperative and the challenge of a global view, or on genuinely art historical questions about the complex relationships – material and conceptual, real and mental – between objects and images.


For information about our scholarship programm, please see this page.


Dr. Philippe Cordez

Dr. habil. Philippe Cordez

Former Deputy Director of the DFK Paris (2018-2023)
Dr. Jörg Ebeling

Dr. Jörg Ebeling

Research Director / Head of Library
Phone +33 (0)1 42 60 67 66