Annamaria Ducci
Dr. Annamaria Ducci
freelance art historian (january - march 2021)
research project : La Société des Nations et le patrimoine culturel. Une histoire intellectuelle européenne dans la « longue durée »
Annamaria Ducci studied art history at the University of Pisa, where she received her PhD. Her main research areas are the history of medieval art and the 'history of art history'. She was Getty Fellow at the INHA-Paris, fellow at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, lauréate for the “Research in Paris” program (at the INHA). She was research assistant at the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) for the ERC project 'EUROCORR- The European correspondence to Jacob Burckhardt'. Annamaria is the author of several essays dedicated to Henri Focillon (the monograph Henri Focillon en son temps. La liberté des formes is expected in spring 2021 at the Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg). She is member of the scientific committee of the Fondazione Ragghianti (Lucca). Research topics: the notion of 'form' in the art history writings in France during the first half of the 20th century; the correspondence of art historians; the drawings of art historians; the international intellectual organizations of the interwar period, particularly the Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle (LoN).
Research focus

La Société des Nations et le patrimoine culturel. Une histoire intellectuelle européenne dans la « longue durée »
My research project aims to study the idea of « heritage » as it was developed and defined within the League of Nations and its cultural organizations, particularly the Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle (IICI, 1925). The IICI was one of the main protagonists of intellectual cooperation in Europe, weaving a network of relations between scientists across the continent and with the other member states of the LoN. Within the IICI, in 1926, the Office International des Musées (OIM) was created; this organism in particular, sparking an intense dialogue between academics and curators, sought to harmonize the different experiences and skills that each country had individually developed in the field of conservation and museology. The debate on heritage and museums thus shifted from a national level to an institutional and international one, which marked a decisive turning point in the history of heritage in Europe. By studying the archives of the IICI (Maison de l'Unesco), as well as the major protagonists of this organism, my research will try to read the conservation and museum policies proposed by the OIM, at the light of a broader history of intellectual relations, ideas and political ideologies. Thanks to a comparative and interdisciplinary approach, it will seek to retrace the birth of the precise notion of heritage within the cultural organizations of the LoN and their afterlife in the post-war policies (Unesco).