Béatrice Adam
Béatrice Adam, M.A.
Freie Universität Berlin / University of Edinburgh (january – december 2020)
PhD project : Fotografien von Dora Maar, Denise Bellon und Ilse Bing im Paris der Surrealisten
- Since January 2018: Research Assistant in the Electronic Publishing Department of the DFK Paris
- Since April 2018: Editor for the German-French magazine for art history and aesthetics "Revue Regards Croisés"
- Doctoral project on female photographers in surrealism: Dora Maar, Denise Bellon and Ilse Bing.
- Studied art history, Romance studies and history at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and at the Université Paul-Valéry III in Montpellier.
- Master's thesis in art history with the title: „Das fotografische Werk von Dora Maar. Über die (De)Konstruktion von Bildern“
- Internships at the Galerie Jarmuschek+Partner in Berlin; at the Museum Giersch in Frankfurt am Main and at the DFK Paris

- Oct.-dec. 2017 Qualification Scholarship " Shortcuts " of the Bielefeld Graduate School of History and Sociology
- Jan -march 2017 DAAD scholarship for internships abroad for students and graduates
- January 2016: Scholarship of the DFJW for a research stay in Paris
Research focus

- History of photography
- Surrealism
- The artistic avant-garde between the World Wars
- Women artists in art history

- Les photographies de Louis Prieur - une préservation de la mémoire, in: Markus A. Castor (éd.), Louis Prieur. Photographe, Paris, Album Éditions Montmartre Paris, 2018, pp. 41-50.