Dominik Eckel
Dominik Eckel, M.A.
Universität zu Köln (octobre 2021)
thèse de doctorat : Die Formalisierung der Bewegung in der Malerei nach 1945. Körper und Choreografie bei K. O. Götz, Georges Mathieu, Jackson Pollock und Kazuo Shiraga
Dominik Eckel holds a master’s degree in art history and German and French literature from the Goethe University of Frankfurt and worked as a research assistant at the DFK Paris, exploring the networks of postwar western art. Currently, he is a PhD candidate at the University of Cologne, specializing in postwar abstraction and its choreographic aspects. For his project on the transmitted bodily movement and corporealities in the works K. O. Götz, Georges Mathieu, Jackson Pollock, and Kazuo Shiraga and its involvement in a transcultural connection of gestural abstraction, he receives a PhD-stipend from the Research Center for Informal Art at the University of Bonn and was awarded the Gerald D. Feldman travel grants of the Max Weber Stiftung for archival research in France, the US and Japan.

- Reinhard & Sonja Ernst-Stiftung-Stipendium
- Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants
Axes de recherche

- Choreography and Art
- Performance Art
- Postwar Abstraction
- Postcolonial/Transcultural Art History