Irina Danieli
Irina Danieli, M.A.
University Wien (october 2022 - july 2023)
PhD project: Animals and Identity. Eine Analyse von Maria Lassnigs Tierbildern
Irina Danieli studied Theater, Film and Media Studies, and History of Art at University of Vienna. Between 2014 and 2015, she worked for six months as intern at the Phototheque of the Institute of Art History (Max Planck Institute) in Florence. In addition to her studies, she worked as a tutor at the Institute of Art History. As an intern at the Picture Gallery at Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna), she inquired into the inventory catalog of Titian’s paintings, followed by several commissions for the museum. Her master’s thesis focusses on Tintoretto’s Susanna in the Bath (1555/56, KHM), emphasizing narratological effects in the Venetian Cinquecento in connection with modern gender research. Since 2020, she focusses on Maria Lassnig’s oeuvre, notably her animal paintings. Further research interests are: feminist art history, zoological aesthetics, animal theory, and gender studies..

Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2025
- DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Oct. 2022 - July 2023
- IFK Junior Fellow Abroad: At the German Forum for Art History in Paris
Oct. 2021 - June 2022
- IFK Junior Fellowship: At the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies Art University Linz in Vienna
June 2021
- Sponsorship of the Maria Lassnig Foundation
Research focus

The dissertation inquires into animal depictions, as found in the work of Maria Lassnig. Individual sections of her work, selected through formal and content-related criteria, are placed in a dialogue with Human-Animal Studies. Does Lassnig answer to the human-animal discourse that emerged at the time of her work’s creation? Fundamental zoological and aesthetic questions are at stake: To what extent should the appearance of animals in art be understood as a metaphor? Do animals always refer to the human realm or do animals also assume non-metaphorical functions, e.g. as portraits of individuals?
This approach will allow new insights into Maria Lassnig’s oeuvre, notably her concept of the body and human-animal relationships.

19. Januar 2023
- Keynote: Bewegte Tiere – Von Zoobewohnern und anderen bepelzten Gefährten in Maria Lassnigs Filmen, held at the Maria Lassnig Conference, Lifting Stones at Schaubühne Leipzig
2. Mai 2022
- Lecture: Tierliche Leiblichkeit – Einfühlung ins tierliche Gegenüber bei Maria Lassnig, held at the IFK in Vienna as part of the Monday Lectures
18. Januar 2019
- Lecture: Visualität und Narration bei Tintorettos Susanna im Bade, held as part of the lecture Visualität – Materialität – Gender in der Kunst der frühen Neuzeit, Prof. Dr. phil. Marianne Koos
17. Mai 2018
- Lecture: Tintoretto, Susanne im Bade, held in the series Study@khm of the Association of Young Friends of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien