Postproduction of the Workshop “Écouter par les yeux”

Postproduction of the Workshop “Écouter par les yeux”

Hernan Gabriel Païs, Ice Is Memory, 2019

© Hernan Gabriel Païs

This work by Hernan Gabriel Païs is based on the sound recordings of the workshop “Écouter par les yeux” (held on October 15, 2019 at the DFK Paris) realized by himself as well as the other students of the course Pratiques sonores, site-specific art et espace public (Sonic approaches, site specific art and public space), given by Matthieu Saladin at Université Paris 8 (Master Arts plastiques).




For further reading

Special Issue Sound Unheard (Guest editor: Anne Zeitz), – A Journal on Visual and Art History,
vol. 1.2020 / Auditive Perspektiven.